teambuilding II

Our drum circles are NOT drum lessons!
The focus is on participation, NOT on performance. A drum circle provides a place for people to share rhythmic experiences as a community. The success of a drum circle shows in an outstanding team performance rather than the musical quality.

The focus is on merging a group of individuals into an impressive percussion orchestra, creating its own pieces of music. As a community a variety of rhythms, grooves, dynamics, compositions and entertaining rhythm-games will be developed.

For further information get in contact with us.

Let the drums roll!

49 Instrumente (Trommeln, Percussion, Cymbals)

durchschnittlicher unverstärkter Schallpegel:
105 dB(A) / 1m

pro Konzert etwa 25000 einzelne Schläge

Trommelvolumen insgesamt: ca. 676 Liter

Wir heißen 'drumlet'!

Nicht aber: 'drumlets', 'Drummlet', 'die drumlets' noch 'drumlett' noch 'die Drumletten' noch "the drum let's' noch 'das Trommlertrio drumlet' (zumal vier(!) Personen auf der Bühne standen ;-)

Wir heißen 'drumlet'!

Nicht aber: 'los quadro drumlettos', 'die fantastischen vier drumletten', 'the fantastic four drumlets', 'die drumletinis', 'feelo de drumletto', 'tram lätt', 'drumlät', 'drumlätzchen' 'chicken drumlets', 'rumdlet', 'h(dr)umlet', 'drumletters'.

Wir heißen "drumlet"!

"Thomas und seine Band", "Thomas Heidenreich und seine drumlets", "Thomas Heidenreich und seine Jungs" ist keine geschickte Bezeichnung für uns.