

Born in Cologne, Germany on June 12th, 1973, I moved with my parents to the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Area in 1979. After completing the school and the civil national service, I finished my drumplaying studies at the Future Music School in Aschaffenburg, Germany.

I'm working as an IT Specialist being the Technical Manager of the mp group GmbH in Hanau, Germany and live with my familiy in Usingen / Taunus.

If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears,
however measured or far away.

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

49 Instrumente (Trommeln, Percussion, Cymbals)

durchschnittlicher unverstärkter Schallpegel:
105 dB(A) / 1m

pro Konzert etwa 25000 einzelne Schläge

Trommelvolumen insgesamt: ca. 676 Liter

Wir heißen 'drumlet'!

Nicht aber: 'drumlets', 'Drummlet', 'die drumlets' noch 'drumlett' noch 'die Drumletten' noch "the drum let's' noch 'das Trommlertrio drumlet' (zumal vier(!) Personen auf der Bühne standen ;-)

Wir heißen 'drumlet'!

Nicht aber: 'los quadro drumlettos', 'die fantastischen vier drumletten', 'the fantastic four drumlets', 'die drumletinis', 'feelo de drumletto', 'tram lätt', 'drumlät', 'drumlätzchen' 'chicken drumlets', 'rumdlet', 'h(dr)umlet', 'drumletters'.

Wir heißen "drumlet"!

"Thomas und seine Band", "Thomas Heidenreich und seine drumlets", "Thomas Heidenreich und seine Jungs" ist keine geschickte Bezeichnung für uns.